My beautiful camera- a gift for my 21st
This is something I am really excited about starting as I find consumer and brand trend fascinating. Its a vital part of the economy and a great way of seeing what people want and how trends form.
The deadline for this is the 8th, but it will have to be put on hold as I am off back to London tomorrow for some street style photography for my FMP. Brick Lane and Camden are where I really want to explore as per, but also the museums and exhibitions. One thing I have learnt is that great street style can be found anywhere. In Salisbury, I once saw an elderly gent sporting a bomber jacket covered in a florescent print of the London A-Z. As wacky as this was, I thought it was brilliant amongst all the grey city. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me, so didn't manage to capture it. This is the second lesson I have learnt- always carry my camera!
Pics of tomorrows street style mission will be uploaded asap!